News & Events
Lander College for Men
B3 anyone? Melava malka food and fun.
Graduate School of Social Work
Social Worker Annetta Grey’s Quest for Inspirational Geriatric Care
LCM was privileged to welcome Rabbi Bronspigel back to the beis medrash to give yesterday’s shiur klali.
Courses Designed to Help At-Risk Children
Lander College for Women
Zehava Blechner Pasternak Goes from Touro Grad to Magazine Curator
Lander College of Arts and Sciences
Aryeh Grossman’s dedication to fighting cancer through biology
It was with great pleasure that Touro College and Lander College for Men/Beis Medrash L’Talmud welcomed Rabbi Yonason Sacks as Rosh HaYeshiva.
This past week’s “in-Shabbos” with Rabbi Sacks was as Shabbos should be – relaxing and inspirational.
Graduate School of Education
Math Teacher (and Student) David Lee Follows His Gut
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
TouroCOM participated in the Percy Sutton Harlem 5K Run/NYC Family Health Walk-A-Thon for Peace in Our Communities.