Having the AI Talk With Your Students
This post outlines why having “the AI talk” with your students is crucial, along with strategies to help students approach AI in a more thoughtful and discerning way.
Unlocking Academic Success: The Power of Academic Self-Regulation
Empower Your Learning Journey: The Importance of Academic Self-Regulation in Education
Becoming More Inclusive and Responsive in Our Teaching and Learning
Before we can teach our students, we must connect with them.
Faculty Fellows Create OER for Innovative Pedagogy & Student Success (Part 2 of 2)
Creation and use of OER in preclinical medical education
Faculty Fellows Create OER for Innovative Pedagogy & Student Success (Part 1 of 2)
Creating an Open Educational Resource (OER) for a Kinesiology course with Google Sites
Gamification, Badges, and MicroCredentials
Using badges and microcredentials in the classroom
Touro Students Examine Cyberbullying from Interprofessional Education Perspective
students from various disciplines come together to discuss cyberbullying, school discipline and free speech in academic environments
Increase Engagement and Critical Thinking with Canvas Discussion Boards
use of canvas discussion boards beyond the online setting
Simulation/Digital Tools to Teach Clinical Skills
Simulation is an important educational tool and it is imperative to match the appropriate simulation modality with educational objectives.
Creating and Implementing Teaching Videos for Interactive Learning in Hybrid and Online Classes
Different ways to use technology to teach legal writing while remaining engaging and interactive with the students