Zokha Butt

Touro College of Pharmacy

Zokha Butt

A lifelong fascination with the medical profession led Zokha Butt to Touro College of Pharmacy (TCOP). After working for several years in various pharmacy settings, including retail and infusion centers, Zokha decided to follow her passion and apply to pharmacy school. “I love the healthcare field and the role of the pharmacist because of the direct patient care I can provide,” she says.

As she began to research programs, Zokha discovered Touro College of Pharmacy offers more rotations than other pharmacy schools. This opportunity for more hands-on clinical experience combined with the school’s small class sizes and personalized attention made Touro her top choice. “One of the biggest strengths of TCOP is their tight knit community feeling. The smaller classrooms and the open-door policies of the faculty and deans makes for a comfortable setting. In addition, the room for growth is amazing. With so many active student organizations and endless research opportunities there are so many ways you can contribute to your personal and professional growth,” she explains.

Zokha also finds it valuable to learn from professors who are still active in the field. “Whether it is in the industry, retail, or hospital setting, the faculty regularly provide real-life examples and share experiences that make learning the information we are taught more tangible,” she says. “They take extra steps to ensure the students are well-prepared for any pharmacological situation.”

After graduation, Zhoka hopes to begin her career in a clinical setting, possibly ambulatory care. “I would also like to be offered a chance at residency. As time progresses, I would love to open an independent retail pharmacy of my own,” she says. No matter which direction she chooses, Zhoka is excited for the future—and thankful to Touro for helping her realize her dreams.