Matilde Beraja

Touro College of Dental Medicine

Matilde Beraja

When Matilde Beraja was only five years old, she accompanied her father on a dental checkup. The routine visit was anything but for the young Beraja who went home with a dental cast and an offer to shadow the dentist in 10 years if Matilde was interested in the field. Fast forward 10 years and Matilde called the supportive dentist who kept her promise and became her mentor. “I love the connection I can have with my patients. It is amazing what a difference I can make in a person’s life,” Beraja explains of her life-long passion for dentistry.

After graduating from the University of Miami, Beraja began applying to dental schools. “I looked at places at the forefront of technology. Touro Dental fit the bill perfectly and I am so glad I chose to come here,” she says. “Getting closer with the faculty has made my experience special and worth all the late nights.”

Beraja also credits the committed faculty, cutting-edge technology, and impressive clinic for ensuring she is well-prepared for her future profession. Though not certain on a specialization just yet, Matilde is excited for what comes next. “I plan on running my own practice and providing amazing care to patients with the skills that Touro has instilled in me!”