Christine Bereth, MS

Touro College of Dental Medicine

Christine Bereth

Growing up in White Plains, New York, Christine Bereth always knew she wanted a career in the medical profession but had not decided on a specific discipline. Dentistry wasn’t on the forefront of her mind, believing the profession was mainly limited to the aesthetic of a beautiful smile. However, as a college student working in a cardiologist’s office, she made the connection that many of the people who suffered from advanced cases of heart disease often also suffered from advanced gum disease and tooth decay. “It was then that I learned of the implications oral health can have on systemic health,” Christine says.

Interested in learning more, Bereth began research into how oral health impacts the entire body. As her appreciation for the dentistry field grew, she started to consider her career options and decided to apply to dental school. Already armed with a Master of Science degree in Basic Medical Science from Touro’s New York Medical College, Bereth’s first choice was Touro College of Dental Medicine. “I chose Touro because of the school’s dedication to advancement. This dedication is evident in the tools used to educate students; the learning material, the equipment, and the teaching techniques that are all chosen with the intent of elevating the learning experience, and in turn, elevating the way that we practice dentistry. Once I began attending Touro, I realized that this dedication to advancement is not limited to the way we are educated, but it is more broadly applied to the way that students are treated and encouraged to treat our peers and patients,” she says.

Bereth credits Touro’s emphasis on compassion and understanding for her success in dental school and believes it will be an asset as she begins her dental career. “Dental school can be extremely difficult, so I am grateful to attend a school that is committed to creating such a healthy learning environment,” she says.