Student Complaint Policy
Touro University is committed to safeguarding the interests of all students. Students are entitled to be treated with fairness and respect in accordance with the University's policies and procedures. The University does not condone unfair treatment of students by administration, faculty and staff.
Students who believe they have been aggrieved by the University, and such occurrence is not governed by another complaint mechanism, may seek redress through the complaint procedure outlined below. No adverse action will be taken against any person who files a complaint because of the filing of such complaint.
This student complaint procedure is available to any Touro University student who seeks to resolve a legitimate complaint directly affecting that student, and such circumstance is not governed by another complaint mechanism (see Exception to Policy below). The procedure only applies to complaints that are the result of actions by another member of the University community while acting in an official capacity (e.g. faculty member, administrator, or staff) in contravention of the written policies of the University or the school in which the student is enrolled.
If any student believes that his or her rights have been violated or infringed upon, or that Touro’s policies and procedures have not been followed, that student may file a formal complaint with the Dean of the school or division in which he/she is enrolled. When a complaint concerns an administrative function of the University, including but not limited to, tuition refund and student financial assistance, a student may file a formal complaint with the University-wide director or supervisor of the administrative unit in question, or their designee.
Prior to filing the formal complaint, the student should attempt to remedy the situation via an informal mediation (described below). If the informal mediation is unsuccessful, or if the student is uncomfortable attempting an informal resolution, then a formal complaint may be filed.
The complaint should state, with particularity: the person(s) involved, the nature of the claim, the date, witnesses (if any), documents (if any), and the circumstances under which the alleged claim may have been committed.
Claims under this policy may only be brought within sixty (60) calendar days of the alleged misconduct.
This Policy is not applicable to situations that are governed by other policies, for example, grade appeals and complaints of sexual harassment. Complaints of sexual harassment is governed by the Title IX policy. Other examples of exceptions to the complaint Policy include, but are not limited to, race discrimination, Code of Conduct violations, and ADA Reasonable Accommodations requests and complaints.
Additionally, this Policy is separate and distinct from the Touro University or program-specific grade appeals policies. Therefore, this Policy may not be used for appealing grades, dismissals, or academic decisions by any Touro University program. Such appeals are governed by the Student Handbook or Catalog for the program in which the student is enrolled.
Direct Discussion: Students wishing to grieve an alleged violation of the University's policies should first attempt to resolve the matter through informal resolution. In order to do so, the student should first contact the person responsible for the matter being grieved (the respondent) and attempt to resolve the complaint informally, within thirty (30) days of any occurrence giving rise to the complaint or the time they could reasonably have learned of such occurrence.
Informal Mediation: At the request of the student or respondent, the Office of Ombudsman shall arrange for a meeting of the parties, attend such meeting(s), and attempt to aid in the resolution of the complaint. Discussions with the Ombudsman are confidential in nature, and therefore informal mediation does not constitute notification to the University of the complaint.
Advisement: Students uncertain about how to proceed may consult the Office of Institutional Compliance who shall identify the Ombudsman.
If the matter is not resolved informally, then the student may file a formal complaint with the Office of Institutional Compliance. For further information on the investigative process refer to Complaint Procedures.
External Complaint Resolution
Please read the Middle States Commission policy on Complaints Involving Member and Candidate Institutions for a complete explanation of how to communicate with the Commission regarding a complaint. The Commission’s complaint procedures are created to address non-compliance with the Commission’s standards for accreditation, requirements of affiliation, policies or procedures, or the institution’s own policies or procedures.
Programmatic Accreditation
Students who wish to file a complaint with a programmatic accreditor may find program-specific accreditor contact information on the Touro University Accreditations page.
New York State Education Department (For Students Residing in New York State)
Students who wish to file a complaint with the New York State Education Department may follow the information published on the Office of College and University Evaluation website. Students are advised that the Office of College and University Evaluation will not review a complaint until all grievance procedures at the institution have been followed and all avenues of appeal exhausted and documentation provided that such procedures have been exhausted.
State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (For Students Residing Outside of New York State)
Touro University (“Touro”) is approved to participate in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) which regulates the manner in which participating institutions may offer distance learning education to students who reside in other states. If a student has a complaint that involves distance learning education offered under the terms and conditions of SARA, the student must file a complaint with Touro first to seek resolution. Complaints regarding grades or student conduct violations are governed entirely by Touro policy and the laws of the Touro’s home state (which for Touro University is the New York State Education Department). If a person bringing a complaint is not satisfied with the outcome of Touro’s internal process for resolving complaints, the complaint (except for complaints about grades or student conduct violations) may be appealed, within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made, to the Touro’s SARA State portal entity.
- For purposes of this process, a complaint shall be defined as a formal assertion in writing that the terms of this agreement, or of laws, standards or regulations incorporated by the SARA Policies and Standards have been violated by the institution operating under the terms of SARA.
- Review further information on SARA and the SARA complaint process
This Policy contains only general guidelines and information. It is not intended to be comprehensive or to address all the possible applications of, or exceptions to, the policies and procedures of Touro. If you have any questions concerning a particular policy or procedure, you should address your specific questions to the Chair, Director or Dean of the Program in which you are enrolled.
This Policy is neither written nor meant to confer any rights or privileges on students or impose any obligations on Touro. The Policy is not a contract. This Policy does not create a property right. Failure of the University to abide by or deviate from this Policy in any circumstance does not form the basis of any liability. In fact, deviation from this Policy may be necessary in a given circumstance in the sole and absolute discretion of the University. No individual or representative of Touro (except the President) has the authority to enter into any agreement or understanding contrary to the above.
This Policy is written for informational purposes only and may contain errors. The policies, procedures and practices described herein may be modified, supplemented or discontinued in whole or in part, at any time with or without notice. We will attempt to inform you of any changes as they occur. However, it is your responsibility to keep current on all University policies, procedures and practices. It is your responsibility to review University policies and procedures in detail and to request any clarification needed from the Chair, Director or Dean of the Program in which you are enrolled. Violation of University policies or procedures may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal. Action may be taken against a student notwithstanding his or her failure to appear or otherwise participate in disciplinary or complaint proceedings.