For Students
Cheating on Examinations and Other Class/Fieldwork Assignments
Cheating is defined as improperly obtaining and/or using unauthorized information or materials to gain an advantage on work submitted for evaluation. Providing or receiving assistance unauthorized by the instructor is also considered cheating.
Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:
- Giving or receiving unauthorized assistance to or from another person on quizzes, examinations, or assignments;
- Using another learner’s audience response device/i-clicker;
- Using materials, devices, or tools not specifically authorized during any form of a test or examination;
- Exceeding the restrictions put in place for “take home” examinations, such as unauthorized use of library sources or internet sources, unauthorized use of computer-generated material via artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies, or unauthorized collaboration on answers;
- Sitting in for someone else or permitting someone to sit in for a student on any form of test or examination;
- Working on any form of test or examination beyond the allotted time, which includes any extra time resulting from a documented accommodation (unless the instructor provides explicit permission);
- Hiding, stealing or destroying materials needed by other students;
- Altering and resubmitting for re-grading any assignment, test or examination without the express written consent of the instructor;
- Copying from another individual’s examination or providing information to another student during an examination;
- Soliciting, obtaining, possessing or providing to another person an examination prior to the administration of the examination.
- Bringing into the examination room notes in any format and paper, electronics or writings, drawings, etc. that could be used to aid in taking a closed notes/book exam.
Examples of unauthorized assistance include:
- Giving or receiving assistance or information in any manner, including person-to-person, notes, text messages, or e-mails, during an examination or in the preparation of other assignments without the authorization of the instructor;
- Receiving assistance via artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies without the authorization of the instructor;
- Using crib sheets or unauthorized notes (unless the instructor provides explicit permission);
- Copying from another individual’s exam.
Failure to comply with any and all Touro University System test procedures will be considered a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy.