Training Students
Factors that may influence cheating and plagiarism among students include grade pressure, time pressure, task pressure, negative personal attitude, lack of awareness, test anxiety, and lack of competence. It is, therefore, important to provide adequate training of students regarding all relevant parts of this Academic Integrity Policy as well as instruction in best practices to enable students to produce academic work with integrity. Students should be provided with as much education and as many opportunities as possible to learn about citation styles, proper writing skills, and plagiarism avoidance.
Faculty should keep in mind the importance of establishing a positive relationship with students and getting to know them and their writing style. A foundational component of higher education is for students to develop their own voice, reflected in their writing. Establishing a relationship of trust between faculty and students can be very helpful in developing a common understanding of expectations on student writing as a component of their intellectual and professional development.
Students may find the Touro Library-created resources helpful:
- Academic Integrity test is used for students who may have violated AI rules. that will go to the instructor’s email.
- Academic Integrity tutorial,
- Library-created guides on using and citing ChatGPT,
Student Orientation programs shall include sessions on Touro’s Academic Integrity Policy, and each student shall be provided with a copy of the policy at that time. Furthermore, each student must sign an honor statement, which can be distributed to students in Canvas. Since many Touro schools or units are mission-based or profession-oriented, the ethical values of the school mission should be referenced in the statement. Students will also be required to complete a library-developed session or sessions that demonstrate research method, information literacy, and ethical and legal use and acknowledgment of sources, including AI. Students can also avail themselves of the following e-book that can help with writing legally and ethically: