For Students
Multiple Assessment Strategies and Prevention of Plagiarism
- Ensuring academic integrity in the assessment of student learning is an essential faculty responsibility. Therefore, faculty must be actively involved in structuring appropriate course assessments. Faculty may choose to use multiple assessment techniques in place of, or to lessen reliance on, midterm and final examinations. Assessments should be designed to be frequent, varied, and directly relevant to course learning objectives. One suggestion is to make assignments cumulative (students turn in parts of a project or paper throughout the semester) to minimize opportunities for fraudulent submissions. Examples of learning and assessment activities include: interactive threaded discussions, writing assignments, quizzes, capstone projects, group work, and online exams.
- Assessment activities should be modified from semester to semester.
- Plagiarism detection software should be used for written assignments.
- Student submission of work that was not written by the student (e.g., material created by ChatGPT, Bard, or other AI tools) and without appropriate attribution, is a violation of academic integrity.
- Faculty may, at their discretion, permit or assign work using AI tools to promote student learning. If a faculty member explicitly permits students to use AI tools, then use of this material would not be considered a violation of academic integrity. As AI technology continues to develop, each individual program at Touro, as well as the Touro Department of Online Education, may suggest creative ways of using AI for student learning and make additional recommendations regarding avoiding academic integrity violations.