Best Practices for Getting Started in Your Online Course

September 22, 2020 12:30pm – 2:00pm ET
09/22/20 12:30 PM 09/22/20 2:00 PM Best Practices for Getting Started in Your Online Course This workshop will be held in Zoom. Register at the link below or email for more information.
Best Practices for Getting Started in Your Online Course
Department of Online Education
This workshop will be held in Zoom. Register at the link below or email for more information.

The success between student engagement and collaboration is often determined by not only the number of experiences, but the quality of them. To take it even further, a sense of community within the online classroom is vital to overall achievement. There are numerous Ed-Tech Tools to house right in canvas that will support collaboration while genuinely engaging students. In this one-hour workshop, we will introduce various examples of student interactions that will help them break the ice! 


Register for this event by clicking this link.