Touro Stands Against Intolerance and Hatred

Touro President Dr. Alan Kadish on How to Address Hate Crimes

March 19, 2021
Dr Alan Kadish
Dr. Alan Kadish

Yesterday’s devastating rampage, during which six Asian Americans were murdered, is yet another tragic fatality in the escalation of violence in this country. While a final analysis of the details of this crime are still pending, hate crimes against Asian Americans have clearly spiraled. In a year that posed a public health crisis, as well as economic, social and myriad other challenges, tragically, hate crimes also rose. Instead of coming together in crisis, America has experienced its highest level in a decade of crimes motivated by racial, cultural or religious bias. Nearly 3,800 hate crimes against Asian Americans were recorded in this past year. Black Americans and Jews were targeted in startlingly higher numbers, and the senseless killing of Black Americans remains a national tragedy and a problem that must be addressed.

I know that you stand with me in solidarity with our Asian American brothers and sisters, and against the hatred and violence that targets them and any other groups.

National challenges have the power to unite us, and to help us achieve joint solutions to our shared problems. We cannot allow intolerance and senseless hatred to destroy the foundations of our country. This is a time when we need to work together to rebuild all that we have lost this past year. We must work tirelessly to strengthen and reinforce our bonds. As a nation—and as individuals—we must redouble our efforts to cultivate respect, empathy and dignity for all. 

As an institution, Touro remains dedicated to serving students of all races and religions. Our commitment to social justice and to treating students, faculty and staff with integrity and respect, has never been more relevant. Our resolve to foster and promote these ideals has never been more vital. I urge every member of the Touro community to do your part to root out senseless hate and bias and to continue to project that message; to reach out to your fellow students, colleagues and your communities with respect, compassion and understanding.

Now more than ever is the time to stem the tide by taking individual actions against hatred and to turn towards our neighbors, regardless of their background.