Touro Awarded Over $4.5 Million in Funding
Gifts and Grants to Provide Scholarships, Research and Training with Emphasis on Helping Underserved

Touro University’s schools and colleges have recently been awarded over $4.5 million in gifts and grants to, among other things, benefit low income and students of color, and to address needs in underserved communities.
The funds, secured by a variety of schools including social work, pharmacy, law, and medicine, will help support scholarships, immigration and other clinics, and student research and training to address unmet needs in local communities.
“As Touro celebrates its 50th anniversary, these grants and philanthropic gifts are critically important to helping our current and future students with affordable quality educational opportunities, and the chance to have an even greater impact in our local communities that so desperately need support during these challenging times,” said Touro University President Dr. Alan Kadish.
The recent awards include:
- To the Touro College Graduate School of Social Work in New York City, a $200,000 grant from the New York Community Trust to increase enrollment of students of color and low-income backgrounds in graduate social work degree programs;
- To Touro College of Pharmacy in NYC, a $3,000,000 grant over five years from the Health Resources and Services Administration to create a Center of Excellence to recruit and graduate more underrepresented minorities in pharmacy and to provide training and opportunities for faculty and students to address unmet pharmacy needs in underserved communities;
- To the proposed Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine – Montana, scheduled to open in fall 2023, a grant of $225,000 from the Montana Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund for job creation resulting from the new medical school, along with a private gift of $1 million secured to launch a student-focused research program;
- To Touro Law Center on Long Island, two grants totaling $90,000 from the New York State Legislature for clinics; a $25,000 scholarship from Board of Governors member Robert Abrams; a $5,000 scholarship from the Herman Goldman Foundation to benefit a diverse student, and a gift of $15,000 from the Natalie Bailly Kirschner Foundation for the school’s immigration clinic.