The Guide to Creating a Winning LinkedIn Profile

A Step-by-Step Guide to Elevating Your LinkedIn Game

September 04, 2019

Unlock the full potential of LinkedIn with our comprehensive guide, designed to elevate your professional online presence. From crafting a captivating headline to choosing the perfect headshot, each step is crucial in creating a LinkedIn profile that stands out. Dive into the details of optimizing your profile, including leveraging rich media content, highlighting your career interests, and syncing your educational achievements. Learn how to make your profile accessible and engaging for recruiters and professional connections alike, ensuring your digital footprint aligns with your career aspirations.

  1. Go to and create an account
  2. Log into your account
  3. Press the “ME” tab and go to “view profile”
  4. Name: Use your first name and last name only, no degrees or icons. You can add a maiden name
  5. Photo: Insert your headshot photo. When taking your headshot, dress as if you are going to a professional networking event in your industry. It’s ideal to have a white or gray background, nothing too busy
  6. Headline: Treat this as your LinkedIn “Elevator Pitch.” LinkedIn limits your headline
  7. Background Image: Add a horizontal background image that helps promote your personal brand image. Never use the default background provided by LinkedIn
  8. About me: This is more information about you (such as the “summary” from your resume. Upload “Rich Media Content” to tell your story including videos, presentations, links to blog posts, or articles you’ve written. You can even upload your resume as “Rich Media Content” and be sure to include your email address here
  9. Career Interest: Selecting the “Open Candidate” option allows recruiters to know that you are available, even if you have a job listed. Be sure to include your desired job titles and your location
  10. Experience: Sync this with your company logo and use information from your resume
  11. Education: Sync with Touro and include your major accomplishments when impressive
  12. Skills: The list is searchable. You can add the relevant skills right into your profile. Pin your top 3 and enter up to 50 skills
  13. Recommendations: Obtain at least 3 recommendations from professors, department heads, or people who supervised you in an internship or work-related experience
  14. Vanity LinkedIn URL: Use this as a signature line in your resume. For example.

By Chaim Shapiro, Touro's Director of the Office for Student Success