Spotlight on Shimon Farber

Aspiring M.D.

July 30, 2015
Shimon Farber

Shimon Farber of Lawrence, New York, recently began his third year at New York Medical College. When he was applying to med school, he had heard about NYMC’s reputation of producing excellent physicians and clinicians.  He also knew that NYMC’s students had a proven track record of board scores above the national average. On a personal note, he appreciates that NYMC provides an environment that is conducive to Jewish observance as well as academic and professional growth. In addition to the synagogue on campus and kosher food, Farber and his fellow students recently initiated a monthly lecture series on various timely topics in medical halakha, or Jewish law.

What inspired you to pursue a career in  medicine?

I've been drawn to medicine for as long as I can remember. I wanted a career that would enable me to have a positive impact on people's lives while also maintaining a feeling of excitement for what I do every day. Medicine encompasses both and consistently provides mental and emotional challenges as well as tremendous gratification. The knowledge and experience I gain from all the late nights and hard work are enabling me to help make a patient's life better.  

What field do you want to enter?

I just began my third year, which is when clinical rotations begin, and I plan to approach each rotation with an open mind. I am currently fascinated by the field of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI). I find it extremely fulfilling to have the opportunity to actualize the dreams of couples and individuals who are experiencing difficulty having children. Additionally, REI has tremendous potential for research, growth and evolving technologies, which makes it a very exciting field. 

What do you do in your spare time?

I didn't know there was spare time in medical school! In my relatively limited spare time, I do enjoy spending time with family, relaxing with friends, exercising and exploring sights, attractions and activities in and around New York City.