Graduate School of Education Celebrates Seven Year Accreditation

President Kadish, New York City and New York State Applaud School's Accomplishments

January 10, 2014
Dean LaMar Miller, Ph.D., and Touro College President and CEO Dr. Alan Kadish

Over 70 faculty and friends of the Touro College Graduate School of Education (GSE) gathered recently at the Lander College for Women -- The Anna Ruth and Mark Hasten School near Lincoln Center -- to celebrate the new seven-year accreditation of Touro’s programs in teacher education and school leadership from The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

Dr. LaMar P. Miller, dean of the Graduate School of Education, warmly welcomed the guests and extended his appreciation to the faculty, staff and students who participated in the rigorous accreditation process over the past year.  Audience members were treated to accolades about GSE from a number of speakers including from the New York City Department of Education (NYC DOE) and the New York State Education Department (NYSED). 

Touro President and CEO Dr. Alan Kadish and Dr. Miller awarded  Certificates of Appreciation to the team of professors who worked on the accreditation: Professors Laurie Bobley, Jesse Epstein, Sonna Opstad, Alan Sebel, and Howard Weiner, and to the Director of GSE’s Office of Assessment and Accreditation, Bocar Mbengue. 

“Public and private schools in New York City and in New York State can look forward to GSE’s continued leadership in providing outstanding teachers and school leaders,” Dean Miller told the audience.

President Kadish expressed his pride in the School and its accomplishments, as the GSE celebrates its 20th anniversary. He cited a recent report from the New York City Department of Education that ranked Touro highly for its teacher training programs.   

“The report reflected external metrics that suggest we’re doing a really good job,” the president said. “Everyone in this room has done a phenomenal job, not just on the accreditation process but in developing the Graduate School of Education into what it is today.”

Jerrold Ross, representing deans of education schools in the metropolitan area, commented on the significance of obtaining the accreditation.  “As dean of the College of Education at St. John’s University, I know how much effort GSE put into its accreditation activities, since we at St. John’s have recently completed the same process.  A hearty congratulations to GSE. “

Dr. Dina Sevayega, associate in Teacher Education for NYSED, spoke about her work with Touro’s Graduate School of Education during its accreditation preparation and review.  She congratulated the School and its team for its diligence and for achieving accreditation for the maximum allowed seven year period.  

Lawrence Becker, CEO of the Human Resources Division at the NYC DOE, delivered greetings from Chancellor Dennis Walcott. He praised Touro for providing more than 1,300 graduates to the city’s schools in the past five years. 

“In addition to graduating such a large number of future NYC DOE teachers we are very pleased that GSE graduates teachers in our hard-to-staff subject areas, particularly in the area of special education. Touro provides more special education teachers to our schools than any other institution of higher education,” Mr. Becker said.

Emphasis on the importance of technology for the discipline of education was the theme of Touro Vice President of Technology Franklin Steen’s remarks.   Speaking on behalf of the faculty and GSE’s accreditation team, Professor Alan Sebel congratulated faculty members and administrators for their steadfast dedication to the accreditation preparation process and for the leadership of Dean Miller.