Celebrating Academic Publications

Touro Libraries Host 2014 Annual Faculty-Author Appreciation Reception

January 05, 2015

The Touro College Libraries recently held their annual Faculty-Author Appreciation Reception, honoring the faculty throughout the Touro College and University System (including New York Medical College) who authored publications in 2013.

Addressing the gathering of faculty authors, staff, and invited guests, Touro College Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Krupka—speaking on behalf of Dr. Alan Kadish—applauded the scholars on their research and publications.

In his remarks, he connected the current season and the holiday of Chanukah to the theme of education, comparing the menorah—which “represents scholarship, light, and enlightenment”—to faculty research.  “Our faculty publications enlighten the world of education and brighten the future of higher learning,” said Rabbi Krupka. “We are incredibly proud to be able to boast such a catalogue, and we encourage those assembled here – and those throughout the Touro College and University System – to continue to contribute academic works, so that our scholarship can truly be a light onto the world.”

The event also marked the printing of the new edition of the Faculty Publications book, which included the citations of all Touro College academic works from 2013. The Touro College Libraries, under the leadership of Director Bashe Simon, M.L.S. and Library Information Literacy Director Sara Tabaei, M.L.S., have published this book annually since 2010.

For a full list of this year's published faculty, read our 2013 Faculty Publications book. All Touro faculty publications can be found online in the Faculty Publications Database.