NYSCAS' Third Annual Veterans Day Ceremony

November 11, 2020 7:00pm – 7:30pm ET
11/11/20 7:00 PM 11/11/20 7:30 PM NYSCAS' Third Annual Veterans Day Ceremony online
NYSCAS' Third Annual Veterans Day Ceremony
NYSCAS - New York School of Career and Applied Studies

You are cordially invited to attend NYSCAS' third annual Veterans Day ceremony to honor the veteran students and faculty who are part of the Touro family. Veterans are among our most valued citizens. 

This year, Veterans Day has a special significance; the nation is experiencing many historic events, and we cannot meet in person. We need to honor the past military service of our heroes, and the sacrifices they made at the altar of freedom. 

Touro College is committed to providing excellent services to its military students, and our focus has always been to make your experience at Touro as supportive as possible.  

NYSCAS is looking forward to seeing you via ZOOM on November 11, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. 

Please click the link below to join the webinar at 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada):


Webinar ID: 937 6126 1700 
Passcode: 391001  

Or iPhone one-tap: 
US: +16465588656,,93761261700#,,,,,,0#,,391001# or +13017158592,,93761261700#,,,,,,0#,,391001#