Perspectives on Individual Autonomy and Community Responsibility
May 1, 2022 11:30am 4:00pm ET
05/1/22 11:30 AM
05/1/22 4:00 PM
Perspectives on Individual Autonomy and Community Responsibility
Lander College for Men
Perspectives on Individual Autonomy and Community Responsibility
Lander College for Men
75-31 150th Street, Kew Gardens Hills, NY 11367
75-31 150th Street, Kew Gardens Hills, NY 11367
This conference on medical ethics explores the legal, ethical, and halachic issues related to the individual’s right to make decisions.
Livestream will be available here Sunday morning.
Conference Program

I. Individual Autonomy, Community Responsibility, and Halacha

“Low Level Risk to Life and Health: Communal Responsibilities”
Rav Yonason Sacks
Rosh HaYeshiva, Beis Medrash L’Talmud, Lander College for Men
Rav Yonason Sacks
Rosh HaYeshiva, Beis Medrash L’Talmud, Lander College for Men

“Rabbinic Authority, Government Policy, and Individual Autonomy”
Rabbi Dr. Avraham Steinberg
Associate Clinical Professor, Medical Ethics, Hebrew University–Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem
Rabbi Dr. Avraham Steinberg
Associate Clinical Professor, Medical Ethics, Hebrew University–Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem

“Patient Autonomy and Experimental Drugs in Halacha”
Rabbi Tzvi Flaum
Associate Professor, Judaic Studies, Mashgiach Ruchani, Lander College for Women
Rabbi Tzvi Flaum
Associate Professor, Judaic Studies, Mashgiach Ruchani, Lander College for Women

“Parental Authority and Yeshivas: The Measles Vaccine”
Dr. David J. Katz
Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs, Director of Halachic Dentistry
Associate Professor of Dental Medicine, Touro College of Dental Medicine
Dr. David J. Katz
Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs, Director of Halachic Dentistry
Associate Professor of Dental Medicine, Touro College of Dental Medicine
II. Legalization of Marijuana

“Understanding the Impact of Legalization of Marijuana on Mental Health”
Professor Naomi Klapper
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Deputy Chair of the Department of Psychology, Lander College for Women
Licensed Psychotherapist, Director of Psychology Internship Program, Lander College for Women
Professor Naomi Klapper
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Deputy Chair of the Department of Psychology, Lander College for Women
Licensed Psychotherapist, Director of Psychology Internship Program, Lander College for Women

“Pharmacological Considerations and Cannabis”
Dr. Zvi G. Loewy
Associate Dean of Research, Immediate Past Dean
Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, Touro College of Pharmacy
Adjunct Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, New York Medical College
Dr. Zvi G. Loewy
Associate Dean of Research, Immediate Past Dean
Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, Touro College of Pharmacy
Adjunct Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, New York Medical College

“Medical and Recreational Marijuana Use: Jewish Community”
Dr. Yardaena B. Osband
Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics
Director of Longitudinal Curricular Themes, New York Medical College
Dr. Yardaena B. Osband
Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics
Director of Longitudinal Curricular Themes, New York Medical College

“Marijuana: A Halachic Perspective”
Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser
Assistant Professor, Judaic Studies, Lander College for Women
Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser
Assistant Professor, Judaic Studies, Lander College for Women
III. The Community and the Individual

“Communal Responsibilities Toward Individuals with Disabilities”
Samuel J. Levine, J.D.
Director of the Jewish Law Institute and Professor of Law, Touro Law Center
Samuel J. Levine, J.D.
Director of the Jewish Law Institute and Professor of Law, Touro Law Center

“Support and Stigma in Tandem: A Dialogue”
Dr. Faye F. Walkenfeld
Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Behavioral Science, Touro College School of Health Sciences
Dr. Meira L. Orentlicher
Director of Research & Faculty Scholarship, School of Health Sciences
Professor & Assoc. Chairperson of Research & Scholarship, OT Dept., Touro College
Dr. Faye F. Walkenfeld
Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Behavioral Science, Touro College School of Health Sciences
Dr. Meira L. Orentlicher
Director of Research & Faculty Scholarship, School of Health Sciences
Professor & Assoc. Chairperson of Research & Scholarship, OT Dept., Touro College
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