Over the years, we have developed a suite of resources that offers guidance on many of the skills and best practices we emphasize. Please note that some of these links will take you to resources outside of Touro. Be sure to periodically check back here as we are always expanding and updating our website.
Study Skills
Critical Reading Strategies
Who or Whom?
When to Use Who or That
Affect or Effect?
This or That – Confused between This and That?
Verb Agreement with Collective Singular Nouns
Pronoun Agreement: Collective Nouns
Subject-Verb Agreement (10 Rules)
Making Subjects and Verbs Agree
The Apostrophe
Rules for Finding and Fixing Pronoun Agreement Errors
Sentence-Level Queries
Writing Concise Sentences
Sentence Fragments Worksheet
Run-on Sentences/Sentence Fragments
APA Formatting and Style
Paraphrasing (Purdue OWL)
Quotations, Summaries and Paraphrasing
APA Formatting and Style Guide 7th Ed. (Purdue OWL)
APA Style Guide (APA)
Touro University Library
Word Choice
Commonly Misused Words
Economical Language or “Simply Said”
Formal vs. Informal Language
Imply or Infer?
How and Why to Create an Outline
Composing a Draft
Tips on Writing an Effective Essay
A Glossary of Terms
The Logical Sequencing Formula
Making Transitions Between Paragraphs
Transitional Words and Phrases: A Partial List
Transitional Words by Category
Topic Sentence
Model Three-Paragraph Essay
A Sample Five-Paragraph Essay
Sample Multi-Paragraph Essay
Seven Steps to Effective Proofreading
The Dangers of Plagiarism