Sophia Murashkovsky, Ph.D.
Writing Specialist
Touro University Writing Center

Playwright, screenwriter, theatre and film director, international human rights attorney, and university professor, Dr. Sophia Murashkovsky (Romma) is the author of 16 stage-plays produced Off-Off-Broadway and Off-Broadway. Dr. Romma graduated from Tisch School of the Arts (B.F.A and M.F.A), holds a Ph.D. in Philology; a minor in French from Maxim Gorky Literary Institute, and a Master of Laws from Fordham University School of Law, where she majored in International Human Rights Law and Racial Justice. She has taught memoir writing and the narrative history of film at the Schomburg Center; creative writing, screenwriting and playwriting at the Frederick Douglass Creative Arts Center; College Writing I, II; Effective Essentials of Reading and Writing, and American Literature at Touro College (NYSCAS). She has also taught The Russian Short Story at Lander College for Women and taught the history of European Cinema at New York Film Academy. Dr. Romma served as Literary Manager and Dramaturg of the Negro Ensemble Company for a decade. She is the Producing Artistic Director of The Garden of the Avant-Garde Film and Theatrical Foundation geared to promoting, fostering, and producing stage-plays and screenplays by women.