Faculty Research Training Subcommittee
Explore options and models for relevant training programs in areas related to faculty research, such as statistical analysis, quantitative research design, the grantsmanship process, etc.
Develop and implement pilot programs in such areas using a variety of formats, including webinars, brown-bag lunch discussions, onsite workshops, etc.
Based upon pilot program outcomes and an updated needs assessment, propose a set of core and optional program offerings for Touro College faculty.
Members 2015-2016
Robert Fardon, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)
Science Coordinator and Professor of Physics New York School of Career and Applied Studies
(212) 463-0400 x5261
robert.fardon@touro.edurobert.fardon@touro.edu (opens in a new tab)
Donne Kampel, Ed.D.(Co-Chair)
Associate Dean of Faculty, Touro College
(212) 463-0400 x5274
donne.kampel@touro.edudonne.kampel@touro.edu (opens in a new tab)
Annecy Baez, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Clinical Social Work Director of Latino Social Work Initiative Graduate School of Social Work
(212) 242-4668 x6043
annecy.baez3@touro.eduannecy.baez3@touro.edu (opens in a new tab)
Glenn S. Davis
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
(212) 463-0400 x5345
glenn.davis5@touro.eduglenn.davis5@touro.edu (opens in a new tab)
Chelsea DeGlopper, MLS
Instructional Design Librarian, Touro College
(212) 463-0400 x5397
chelsea.deglopper@touro.educhelsea.deglopper@touro.edu (opens in a new tab)
Simcha Fishbane, Ph.D.
Professor of Jewish Studies Graduate School of Jewish Studies
(212) 463-0400 x5487
simcha.fishbane@touro.edusimcha.fishbane@touro.edu (opens in a new tab)
Piotr P. Kozlowski, M.D., Ph.D.
Dean of Research, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
(646) 981-4626
piotr.kozlowski@touro.edupiotr.kozlowski@touro.edu (opens in a new tab)
Kam Man Kenny Kwong, Ph.D.
Chair, Social Work Research Sequence Graduate School of Social Work
(212) 242-4668 x6013
kam.kwong@touro.edukam.kwong@touro.edu (opens in a new tab)
Meira L. Orentlicher, Ph.D., OTR/L
Professor and Coordinator of Research & Development, Occupational Therapy Department School of Health Sciences
(212) 463-0400 x5672
meira.orentlicher@touro.edumeira.orentlicher@touro.edu (opens in a new tab)
Arnold Spinner, Ph.D.
Interim Dean, Graduate School of Education
(212) 463-0400 x5267
arnold.spinner@touro.eduarnold.spinner@touro.edu (opens in a new tab)
Marian Stoltz-Loike, Ph.D.
Vice President of Online Education, Touro College Dean, Lander College for Women The Anna Ruth and Mark Hasten School
(212) 287-3507
marian.stoltz-loike@touro.edumarian.stoltz-loike@touro.edu (opens in a new tab)
Sara Tabaei, MLIS, MA
Library Information Literacy Services Director Midtown Library
(212) 463-0400 x5233
sara.tabaei@touro.edusara.tabaei@touro.edu (opens in a new tab)