Presidential Research Development Grant Program
The Presidential Research Development Grant (PRDG) Program is designed to provide a limited number of mid-sized awards to full-time Touro University (NY) faculty. The aim of these grants is to support and build upon solid preliminary data already generated by the Investigator and where additional research effort is now critical to competitively pivot for external funding.
The PRDG Program is overseen by the Senior Vice President for Research Affairs, Dr. Salomon Amar, and is managed by his office at New York Medical College.
It is anticipated that 4-6 grants will be awarded from among two potential applicant pools:
- Biomedical and health sciences projects
- Liberal arts & sciences, behavioral, social, and educational sciences (including such fields as psychology, education, law, and social work), technology, and business projects.
Applications may be made for individual faculty projects or for collaborating projects (if the collaboration involves only Touro University [NY] faculty members).
Applicants generally may request support of up to $10,000, with most awards expected to range between $5,000 to $10,000. However, requests for support of $15,000 to $20,000 will be considered for projects that typically involve greater expense (e.g., laboratory-based research) but only if clear justification for this higher level of support is provided in the application. Proposals that include contributions from the Investigator’s School – to cover some project costs, in addition to dedicated Investigator time — are strongly encouraged.
The PRDG program is not intended to support pilot or terminal research. For those types of research activities, funding can be provided by the Investigator’s School through a variety of mechanisms, such as release time, small internal grants, general laboratory support, student research assistants, etc. The purpose of PRDG funding is to advance selective research projects for expansion beyond preliminary successful results achieved thus far by the Investigator. Our hope is that through PRDG funding, the research will yield results that clearly lend themselves to potentially secure greater levels of project support from within the highly competitive national environment of external funding.
Applications will require sign-off by the applicant’s Department Chair (where appropriate) and by the School Dean to confirm that School resources being applied to the project are available. This includes confirmation of the stated level of effort that the Investigator will devote to conduct the proposed research, along with any additional internal matching funding or other support being provided by the School to accomplish the research.
Proposals are due by Friday, May 2, 2025. Each award is for a one-year period, subject to meeting standard compliance requirements for the conduct of the research (e.g., biosafety, human subjects, and/or animal care and use approvals). Applicants must carefully follow the application guidelines and instructions, and fill out the cover page to be used as part of proposal submission.
Applications will be reviewed by two selection committees, one for each pool of applications. Committee membership will consist of undergraduate and graduate Deans, as well as the Chair of the Touro College Research Council. The Senior Vice President for Research Affairs, the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost for the Graduate and Professional Divisions, the Vice President for Undergraduate Education, and the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs for the Graduate and Professional Divisions, will serve as ex officio members of both selection committees.
Recommendations will be forwarded to President Kadish for awarding grants.
Questions about the programs and proposal process may be addressed to NYMC-OVPResearch@nymc.edu
Selection Committees:
Ex Officio:
Salomon Amar, Senior Vice President for Research Affairs
Patricia Salkin, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, Graduate and Professional Divisions
Stanley Boylan, Dean of Faculties and Vice President, Undergraduate Education
Nelly Lejter Morales, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, Graduate and Professional Divisions
Group 1 (Biomedical and Health Sciences)
Henry Cohen, Dean, Touro College of Pharmacy
Piotr Kozlowski, Chair, Touro College Research Council
Steven Lorenzet, Dean, School of Health Sciences
Ronnie Myers, Dean, Touro College of Dental Medicine
Kenneth Steier, Executive Dean, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
Group 2 (All Other Disciplines)
Henry Abramson, Dean, Lander College of Arts and Sciences
Elena Langen, Dean, Law Center
Mary L. Lo Re, Dean, Graduate School of Business
Nelly Lejter Morales, Interim Dean, Graduate School of Education
Nancy Gallina, Dean, Graduate School of Social Work
Michael Shmidman, Dean, Graduate School of Jewish Studies
Moshe Sokol, Dean, Lander College for Men
Marian Stoltz-Loike, Dean, Lander College for Women
Judah Weinberger, Dean, NYSCAS