Office of Sponsored Programs
Building a Research Enterprise at Touro College.
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is part of the Office of the President and is an integral part of an institution-wide plan to build a strong research enterprise at Touro University. OSP is responsible for coordinating the institutional review and approval of all proposals that seek externally sponsored support.
Prior to submission, all proposals submitted to external sponsors must be reviewed and approved by OSP.
- Provide key services to full-time College faculty as they consider, seek, and obtain externally sponsored funding for their research endeavors across the academic breadth of the College;
- Actively engage in supporting School and faculty proposals and awards for sponsored public service and training programs; and
- Help foster a research climate at Touro University.
Internally funded or non-funded research or public service programs are not within the purview of OSP. Rather, they fall under the jurisdiction of the Deans of the respective Schools of the College. However, all research involving human subjects at University (whether funded or not) must be reviewed by the appropriate Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Touro. The purview of the IRB is registered with the federal Office for Human Research Protections and, therefore, must be adhered to.
- The IRB reviews all research involving human subjects that is conducted by individuals in the Graduate Schools of Education, Psychology, Business, Social Work, Technology and Jewish Studies, as well as Touro's entire Undergraduate Division, the Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center, and the Central Administration components of Touro College of New York. They also review applications conducted by individuals in the Graduate School of Health Sciences, the College of Osteopathic Medicine, and the College of Pharmacy.
- Assistance in Identifying Funding Opportunities: OSP has acquired a license from InfoEd for a research funding opportunities search engine that allows full-time faculty members of Touro University to establish profiles based upon their research interests. The search engine also allows faculty to receive information on a regular basis about possible funding opportunities and proposal deadlines and targeted individual searches also can be conducted. To register to use InfoEd services, go to the InfoEd website - infoedglobal.com
- Proposal Project Design Assistance: OSP is available to advise faculty on the overall design of their projects.
- Proposal Research Methodology Assistance: OSP staff is available, as needed, to provide full-time faculty and principal investigators with assistance regarding research methodology, particularly on statistics and social science analysis tools.
- Proposal Review, Proposal Approval, and Project Award Management: OSP staff is available to assist Principal Investigators (PIs) and faculty of Touro University at various stages of proposal development. Additionally, prior to official submission of any proposal to an external sponsoring agency, proposals must be reviewed and approved by OSP (see below link for information about that process). OSP also oversees award negotiations with sponsors and provides non-financial grants management guidance for awards once they have been received. (Award accounts will continue to be established by Touro’s Controller’s Office. The Controller’s Office also generates the official financial reports associated with awards.) Please refer to the following links for more information related to the above-cited OSP functions:
- OSP events
- Transmittal and Approval Form (these are required for all submissions requesting external support)
- Preparing a Proposal
- Workshops: OSP offers workshops on such topics as search engines (e.g., InfoEd, Grants.gov, and Federal Business Opportunities); effective grant writing strategies; human subjects research compliance issues; research methodologies; and data analysis software technologies. All workshops are announced on the OSP Guidance to Principal Investigators: Internal Review and Approval of Proposals for Submission to External Sponsoring Agencies page.