Applying to Law School
If you are interested in applying to law school, you should create an account at the Law School Admission Council (LSAC). This will allow you to register for the LSAT, and also give you access to a wide range of information about the law school admissions process. LawHub is a service that will teach you about the LSAT and give you four practice tests for free. If you want more, consider LawHub Advantage, which has a yearly subscription fee. Many students take an LSAT preparation course; there are many available, and the prices vary.
In addition to creating an LSAC account, you should also contact Touro’s principal prelaw advisor, Political Science Prof. Thomas Rozinski. He has been advising prospective law students for over 20 years. He can provide helpful advice about when to take the LSAT, where to apply, what to write about in the application essay, and whom to ask for recommendation letters. There are many nuances to the application process that cannot be reflected in this guide, and students who attempt to apply on their own risk making errors that could turn a likely admission into an unfortunate rejection. His services are available to current Touro students as well as those who have completed their degree.
All law school applications are submitted online. At a minimum, they include a personal statement and a resume. Many law schools require additional essays, so you need to check the websites of each law school you are interested in. These must be prepared with great care. A poorly-written essay is seen as the sign of a poorly-prepared student, so make sure that you write, edit and proofread your essays as carefully as possible. Your prelaw advisor can assist you with this.
Laws schools also require transcripts for all college-level courses that you have taken in the United States. This applies even if you took a single summer course at a college. If you studied abroad, and received credit from Touro, you do not need a transcript from the foreign college unless you studied there for more than a year or received more than 30 transfer credits. These transcripts must be sent directly from the foreign college, so request one as early as possible.
You will also need to obtain two or three recommendations, at least one from a professor who is familiar with your written work. Recommendations from instructors who can say no more than that you did well on their exams do little to help your candidacy because they add nothing to what’s reported on your transcript. You are far better off with a letter from an instructor who can discuss a research project that you carried out in class or a paper that was well-written and thought-provoking. You can also use letters from employers who are familiar with your work. All recommendations must be sent directly to LSAC by your references, and you provide LSAC with your references’ email addresses so that they can be sent a link to upload them. Choosing appropriate recommenders should be discussed with your prelaw adviser since every student’s situation is unique.
Finally, you need to be aware that law school admissions offices may conduct internet searches for public information about their applicants. You should delete anything that might be considered offensive since this could negatively affect your application.
Once you submit your applications, you should not forget about them while waiting for the first response to arrive. Visit the schools that you applied to so you can determine whether each school would be a good fit for you. For instance, are there kosher restaurants nearby, or must you bring your own food each day? What accommodations will the law school make when you tell them that you cannot attend classes during religious holidays? What would your commute be like, or should you look into a dorm or an apartment? Knowing the answer to these questions will help when you need to make decisions about which school to attend.
If a law school defers your application, or places you on a waiting list, you may be asked to submit a letter of continuing interest. This gives you an opportunity to update your application with any additional accomplishments you may have attained since you submitted your application. If you have not been to visit the school, you should go as soon as possible since this is also seen as an indication of interest.
If you are admitted to more than one law school, you will have to make a decision about which one to attend. There are many factors to consider in such a choice, including the cost of tuition and any merit scholarships or financial aid that you are awarded. At this stage, you certainly should reach out to your prelaw advisor to help you make this choice.