Are internships an important part of the study of politics?
Students often find that practical experience improves their understanding of political institutions. By seeing how the principles they have studied are put into practice, they experience subtleties and complexities that are often not apparent from textbook reading, lectures, and class discussions. Students also find that having practical experience gives them an advantage when pursuing jobs. The Political Science Department encourages its students to intern for organizations that will give them practical experience in politics or government.
Is credit available for an internship in politics or government?
Students can register for one of four three-credit internships: POLN 485 Legislative Internship, POLN 486 Communal Internship, POLN 487 Government Internship, and POLN 488, Judicial Internship. Students who successfully complete the internship earn these credits towards their overall graduation credit requirement, but they do not count toward the requirements for a major or minor in Political Science. While most internships for credit take place in government offices, a student may also obtain credit for working on political issues in a not-for-profit organization or a private firm. Students who wish to register for a credit internship should discuss their proposal with the Chair or Deputy Chair for their campus.
What are the requirements to obtain course credit for an internship?
- The internship must involve work in the field of politics and government.
- The internship must involve at least 120 hours over a period of at least 6 weeks.
- The student must prepare an application form and receive the approval of both a faculty member and an internship supervisor.
- The internship supervisor must complete a written evaluation of the student’s work during the internship.
- The student must prepare an 8-10 page paper that summarizes what they learned during their internship.
What internships have Touro students held in areas related to political science?
Touro undergraduates have held internships with a wide variety of elected officials including Senators Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Tom Cotton of Arkansas, as well as numerous New York State and City officials. Students have also held internships with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and several New York State judges. The Simon Wiesenthal Summer Advocacy Program offers stipends to students who are approved for internships.