Touro Interdisciplinary Institute for Healthy Aging (TIIHA)

Call for Presentation Proposals

Deadline: September 12, 2023
Open to All Touro University Faculty and Students

TIIHA Symposium

Wednesday, November 29, 2023
12:00PM - 3:00PM (ET) | 11:00AM - 2:00PM (CT)
10:00AM - 1:00 PM (MT) | 9:00AM - 12:00AM (PT)

TIIHA invites proposals for virtual presentations for a symposium exploring healthy aging and longevity. This event is designed to encompass a wide variety of topics in the context of issues affecting healthy aging, including the incorporation of an interdisciplinary approach in a specific intervention/research program/situation. We invite proposals for 10-minute presentations in a variety of formats, including individual presentations, panel presentations (a series of 10-minute presentations grouped around a common theme) and poster presentations.

We also welcome proposals from our students (proposals must be either submitted with a faculty member as a co-presenter OR approved by a faculty supervisor).

To be considered for the symposium, proposals must include the following information:

  • Title of the presentation;
  • Name, email address, school, and telephone number of the presenter(s); and
  • Abstract (see instructions below).
  • Applicable for student only (without a faculty co-presenter) applications: full name and email address of faculty supervisor.

Abstract Format Requirements (Please choose from the following formats as appropriate):

  • Research Abstracts: Abstracts should be structured using the categories: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions with a maximum of 500 words and one figure.
  • Program/Intervention Abstracts: Abstracts should be structured using the categories: Background, Goals, Approach, Outcomes with a maximum of 500 words and one figure.
  • Conceptual Abstracts: An (unstructured) abstract of 500 words and one figure for presentations that focus on developing a concept; describing a social problem or population need; or developing an advocacy position.

The proposal deadline is September 12, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. (ET). Submit proposals via email to Myrna Colon at, and any questions to Dr. Rima Aranha, Associate Provost for Strategic Initiatives, at

Research and Scholarship, current section