AIR - AI Impact and Results Seed Funding Program

AI@Touro is pleased to announce the launch of AIR - an interdisciplinary seed grant program designed to foster collaborative research efforts that evaluate the effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) methods in various domains. AI@Touro will provide initial funding for innovative projects that assess the impact and utility of AI across all disciplines, with the potential to secure follow-on funding from external sources. 

The promises of AI today are enormous, but we know little about what actually works. The AIR seed grant program will fund research on the practical effectiveness of AI tools across various disciplines. By supporting research that focuses on real-world outcomes, we aim to help uncover the practical benefits and limitations of AI technologies. This will be crucial for making informed decisions about the adoption and integration of AI in various fields. 

Grant Duration: Up to 6 months

Funding Amount: up to $8000

Application Deadline: September 16, 2024

Notification Date: October 7, 2024

Project Start Date: October 28, 2024


  • Given the interdisciplinary nature of the grant, proposals must have a minimum of two investigators representing different schools and disciplines within the university system
  • The lead investigator must be a full-time faculty member or administrator within the Touro University system
  • The proposed research should focus on evaluating the effectiveness of AI methods in a specific domain or a specific application across multiple domains and demonstrate clear potential for follow-on funding

Proposal Requirements:

  1. Project Title and Abstract:
    • A title and a brief (250 word maximum) abstract summarizing the proposed research project
  2. Investigators:
    • Identification of lead investigator
    • Names, titles, and departmental affiliations of all investigators 
    • A brief description of each investigator's role and contribution to the project
  3. Research Plan (5 page maximum):
    • Background and Rationale: Describe the problem or opportunity your research addresses, its significance, and the relevance of AI use within the research.
    • Objectives: Clearly state the research objectives and expected outcomes, focusing on the evaluation of AI effectiveness in the domain.
    • Methodology: Provide a detailed description of the research design, methods, and analysis plan for evaluating AI relevance.
    • Interdisciplinary Approach: Explain how the project integrates knowledge and methods across different disciplines.
    • Timeline: Outline the project timeline and identify key milestones with completion dates.
  4. Budget and Justification:
    • A detailed budget for the project period, including personnel, equipment, supplies, and any other relevant expenses.
    • Justification for each budget item.
  5. Plan for Seeking Follow-On Funding (2 page maximum):
    • Describe the strategy for securing external funding after the seed grant period.
    • Identify potential funding sources and relevant grant programs for follow up funding.
    • Provide a timeline for proposal submission to these funding sources.
  6. Biographical Sketches:
    • Include a biographical sketch for each investigator, highlighting relevant experience and prior research contributions (2 page maximum per investigator).

Submission Guidelines:

  • Proposals should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file to
  • The subject line should read: "AIR Seed Grant Proposal - [Lead Investigator Name]."
  • Proposals must be received by September 16, 2024.

Evaluation Criteria:

Proposals will be reviewed by an interdisciplinary panel of faculty members. The evaluation will be based on the following criteria:

  • Innovation and Significance: The potential impact and novelty of the proposed research in evaluating AI methods.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The extent and effectiveness of the interdisciplinary approach.
  • Feasibility: The viability of the research plan and methodology.
  • Budget Appropriateness: The justification and appropriateness of the budget.
  • Follow-On Funding Plan: The strength and feasibility of the plan for securing external funding.

Award Administration:

  • Awardees will be notified by October 7, 2024.
  • Funds will be available for use starting October 28, 2024.
  • A final report summarizing the research outcomes and progress towards securing follow-on funding will be due within 30 days of the project’s completion.

For any questions regarding the application process, please contact Shlomo Engelson Argamon (