Committees and Councils

TUS Academic Integrity Council


The Touro University System (TUS) Academic Integrity Council was first appointed by the President in the summer of 2012 to coincide with the ratification of the newly-formulated TUS Academic Integrity Policy. This Policy defines academic integrity and its violations, describes best practices in promoting academic integrity in traditional and in online education, and delineates uniform procedures in the resolution of academic integrity violations. The TUS Council is charged with monitoring and ensuring that the Academic Integrity Policy is effectively implemented, and fairly and uniformly applied throughout the Touro University System.

The latest update and revision to the TUS Academic Integrity Policy was completed in August 2023, and can be found at

TUS Academic Integrity Council members include:

Council Members

Judith Bleich, Faculty, Graduate School of Jewish Studies NY
Allison Bobick, Director of Student Advancement, Graduate School of Social Work NY
Stanley Boylan, Vice President of Undergraduate Education & Dean of Faculties, NY
Rodger Citron, Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship, Touro Law Center NY
Nadege Dady, Dean of Student Affairs, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine NY
Haley Denzer, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, TCOM Montana
Carrie DiMatteo, Faculty, NYSCAS Deputy Chair of Psychology NY
Linda Frasier TUN, OTD faculty; TUN Faculty Senate member
Nadja Graff, Vice President Emeritus (co-chair)
Tami Hendriksz, Dean, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Touro University California
Stephen Jones, Preclinical Dean, TouroCOM Middletown NY
Farid Khalafalla, Associate Dean, College of Education and Health Sciences, Touro University California
Shmuel Klammer, Dean, Touro College in Israel
Rabbi Moshe D. Krupka, Executive Vice President, Touro University System
Nelly Lejter, Associate Provost, Touro University; Dean, Graduate School of Education NY (co-chair)
Zvi Loewy, Associate Dean, Research TCOP NY; Chair, Touro University IRB
Steven Lorenzet, Dean, School of Health Sciences NY
Ronnie Myers, Dean, Touro College of Dental Medicine NY
Ernest Philips, Director of Curriculum Effectiveness, TUC COM; TUC Faculty Senate member
Louis Primavera, Associate Provost, Touro University
Quintin Robinson, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Touro University Worldwide
Thomas Rozinski, Faculty, Political Science dep’t, Lander Colleges, NY
Moshe Sokol, Dean, Graduate School of Jewish Studies NY
Marian Stoltz-Loike, VP, Online Education; Dean, Lander College for Women NY
Karen Sutton Faculty, Lander College for Women NY
Sara Tabaei, Touro Library Information Literacy Services Director NY
Chani Tessler, Vice Provost, TU Illinois; Dean, Sarah Hartman Women’s College (HTC)
Philip Tompkins, Dean of Students, Touro University Nevada (co-chair beginning May 2025)
Jutta Ward, Assistant Dean for Clinical Curriculum, COM, TU Nevada
Judah Weinberger, Dean, NYSCAS, NY
Jennifer Zelnick, Faculty, Graduate School of Social Work, NY

Council on Faculty Development and Evaluation

Council Members

Henry Abramson, Lander College for Men
Gena Bardwell, NYSCAS
Nathalie Bergeron, College of Pharmacy, TUC
Nancy Gallina, GSSW
Andrew Priest, Provost, TUN
Louis H. Primavera, NY Associate Provost, Co-Chair
Harold Sirota, TouroCOM
Judah Weinberger, NYSCAS, Co-Chair

Ex-officio members

Rabbi Moshe Krupka, E.V.P.
Patricia Salkin, Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs & Provost, Graduate and Professional Divisions
Stanley Boylan, Sr. V.P. for Undergraduate Studies
Nelly Lejter Morales,  Co-Chair; Dean GSE; Assoc. Provost for Special Projects

Committee on Faculty Promotions

Council Members

Chair: Meira Orentlicher (SHS) 
Robert Bressler (LAS) 
Zvi Jonathan Kaplan (LCW) 
Leonid Litman (LCM) 
John Loike (LAS) 
Evan Mintzer (LAS) 
Folusho Otuyelu (GSSW) 
Yakov Peter (LCM) 
Isabella Reichel (SHS) 
Menahem Rosenberg (LAS) 
Alan Sebel (GSE) 
Nilda Soto-Ruiz (GSE) 
Carol Steen (LCW) 
Karen Sutton (LCW) 
Jennifer Zelnick (GSSW) 
Faye Walkenfeld (SHS) 

Ex officio non-voting: 
Stanley Boylan 
Nadja Graff 

Procedures and Timelines for Promotion Applications and Decisions

Faculty Renewal Task Force

In January 2024, President Alan Kadish appointed the 2024 Faculty Renewal Task Force . The task force is comprised of seventeen members and includes representatives from undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs system wide.

The 2024 Faculty Renewal Task Force is charged with the following:

  1. Review the 2017 plan of the initial FRTF, as well as the 2022 report of the Faculty Renewal Plan Oversight Committee, to assess how Touro University is meeting its faculty renewal goals, as set forth in these reports.
  2. Examine the University's progress towards the goals of recruiting and retaining accomplished faculty, and make recommendations for further strategies to guide this goal.
  3. Examine and recommend ways in which all faculty can be encouraged, recognized, and supported in increasing scholarly activities.
  4. Explore and recommend strategies and best practices for the mentoring of newer faculty, with the goal of supporting faculty development and success. 

Dr. Stanley Boylan, Co-Chair, Vice President for Undergraduate Studies

Dr. Meira Orentlicher, Co-Chair, Director of Research and Faculty Scholarship, SHS; Director, Post Professional OTD Program; Associate Chairperson for Research and Scholarship & Professor, OT Department; School of Health Sciences

Dr. Patricia Salkin, Co-Chair, Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs; Provost, Graduate and Professional Divisions

Dean Hillel Abramson, Lander College of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Joyce Brown, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine - Middletown

Dr. Brian Chiswell, NYSCAS

Tiffany Graham, Associate Dean of Campus Engagement, Jacob D. Fuchsberg Touro Law Center

Dr. Nadja Graff, Vice President Emerita, Division of Graduate Studies

Professor Alexander Hall, D. M.D., Director of Campus Engagement, Touro College of Dental Medicine

Dr. Taylor Hough, School of Physician Assistant Studies, Touro University Nevada

Dr. Gloria Klapstein, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Touro University California

Dr. Steven Krantz, Graduate School of Social Work

Rabbi Moshe Krupka, Executive Vice President, Touro University

Rita Lipshitz, Assistant Dean, Sarah Hartman Women's College of Touro at HTC

Dr. Thomas Miller, Associate Chair of Primary Care, Clinical Assistant Professor in Primary Care, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine  - Montana

Dr. Lenin Ortega, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, NYCAS

Dr. Nilda Soto-Ruiz, Graduate School of Education

Graduate and Professional Deans Council

Council Members

Dr. Henry Cohen, Touro College of Pharmacy
Dr. Issac Herskowitz, Graduate School of Technology
Dr. Nancy Gallina, Graduate School of Social Work
Elena Langan, J.D., Touro Law Center
Dr. Nelly Lejter Morales; Graduate School of Education; Office of the Provost
Dr. Mary Lo Re, Graduate School of Business
Dr. Steven Lorenzet, School of Health Sciences
Dr. Ronnie Myers, Touro College of Dental Medicin
Dr. Elizabeth Palmarozzi, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
Dr. Patricia Salkin, Chair; Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs Provost, Graduate and Professional Divisions
Dr. Kenneth Steier, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, School of Health Sciences
Dr. Moshe Sokol, Graduate School of Jewish Studies
Dr. Michael Trepal, New York College of Podiatric Medicine

Graduate and Professional Deans Council Meeting Dates:

 February 12, 2025; March 12,2025; April 9, 2025; May 7, 2025; June 11, 2025; 

Graduate and Professional Faculty Council

Annecy Baez, GSSW 
Timothy Bellavia, GSE 
Yocheved Bensinger-Brody, SHS PT
Eris Cani, TCOP 
Beth Chiariello, SHS OT 
Suzanne Darrow-Kleinhaus, LC 
Simcha Fishbane, GSJS 
Tiffany Graham, LC 
Roslyn Haber, GSE
Laura Hagan, SHS PT 
Joe Herbst, GST
Christian Hietanen, TouroCOM Middletown 
Seongshin Kim, GSE 
Steve Krantz, GSSW 
Elizabeth Loftus, GSB 
Ellen Margolin, GSE
Shahrzad Mirafzali,TCDM 
Michael Papetti, TCOP 
Inna Rabinovitch, GSE 
Susan Shapiro, GSE
Rosalie (Sally) Schwartz, GSE 
Osnat Zaken, GSE

Gabor Kerekes, Undergrad Senate liaison
Brenda Strassfeld, GSE
Patty Salkin

Graduate Faculty Council Dates:

3/20/25, 4/17/25, 5/15/25, 6/19/25

All meetings are held from 1:30-3:00 via zoom

Graduate Faculty Constitution

Research Council

Visit the Research at Research Council

Presidential Faculty Excellence Awards Committee

Jill Horbacewicz, Chair, Physical Therapy

Chitra Pai, TUC COM (Chair)
Gena Bardwell, NYSCAS
Joseph Hayes, SHS
Theresa Tarrant, Nursing TUN
Robert Bressler, LAS
Julie Banfer (GSE)

Research and Scholarship
Brian Chiswell, NYSCAS (Chair)
Salomon Amar (Ex-Officio)
Howard Feldman, LCW
Steve Pirtunsky, GSSW
John Rider, TUN
Andrea Taylor, TUC COM
Elizabeth Unni, TCOP

Stephanie Zeszutek, (Montana) COM (Chair)
Alan Mond, LAS
Michael Verderame, HTC
Michael Barbour, TUC
Carinne Brody, TUC CEHS
Jay Shubrook, TUC COM

Patricia Salkin, Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs & Provost, Graduate and Professional Divisions
Stanley Boylan, Vice President, Undergraduate Division

Student Success Task Force

Co- Chairs
Stanley Boylan, Vice President of Undergraduate Education and Dean of Faculties
Nelly Morales, Dean of Graduate School of Education: Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, Graduate and Professional Divisions
Rima Aranha, Office of the Provost
Gena Bardwell, NYSCAS
Nicole Barnett, Legal Affairs
Renee Blinder, LAS
Allison Bobick, Graduate School of Social Work
Nadege J.Dady, COM-Harlem
Heather DePierro, Law Center
Nadja Graff
Steve Jacobson, Touro University California
Rhonda Kaufman, College of Dental Medicine
Rabbi Moshe Krupka, Executive VP and University Ombudsman
Jeffrey Lichtman, Graduate School of Education
Rita Lipshitz, HTC
Rivka Molinsky, School of Health Sciences
Jackie Novatt, College of Pharmacy
Lenin Ortega, NYSCAS
Patricia Salkin, ex-officio
Breindy Stern, School for Lifelong Education 
Timothy Taylor, NYSCAS
Philip Tompkins, Touro University, Nevada