Timetable of the Self-Study
September 2012 - President Kadish appoints Self-Study Chair.
November 2012 - Chair attends Self-Study Institute (November 8-9, Wilmington, DE).
December 2012 - Steering Committee is organized.
January 3, 2013 - First Meeting of Steering Committee.
January – February, 2013 - Steering Committee reviews accreditation standards and organizes task forces.
Late February – May 2013 - Steering Committee formulates task force charges and develops Self-Study Design.
May 2013 - Draft of Design document is completed.
May 22, 2013 - MSCHE Vice President Dr. Tito Guerrero visits Touro.
June 2013 - Final draft of Self-Study Design is submitted for approval to Dr. Tito Guerrero.
Mid-June 2013 - Dr. Tito Guerrero approves Touro College Self-Study Design.
November 2013 - Brief Progress Reports submitted by Task Forces.
February 2014 - First draft chapters completed by Task Forces are submitted to the Steering Committee.
March 2014 - Steering Committee reviews and returns draft chapters to Task Forces.
March 2014 - Chair for Touro College Visiting Team is selected.
June 2014 - Second draft chapters completed by Task Forces are submitted to the Steering Committee.
July - October 2014 - Steering Committee edits first draft of Self-Study.
October – November 2014 - Two Touro Town Hall open hearings on Self-Study Draft are held for faculty, staff, and students.
November 2014 - Steering Committee chair and co-chairs and members meet with and discuss Self-Study with the following: Trustees, Senior Management Group, Faculty Senate, Graduate Council, Staff Representatives, and Student Representatives
December 2014 - Final draft of Self-Study is prepared and approved by January 2015 the Steering Committee.
December 2014 - Preliminary visit by Middle States Team Chair is conducted to Touro College.
February 2015 - Accommodations and support resources for Middle States Team are finalized.
February 2015 - Self-Study is sent to Team members and to MSCHE; Schedule for Team visit is developed.
April 2015 - Middle States Evaluation Team visits Touro College. (Earlier visit to selected branches)
May 2015 - College receives draft Team Report.
May 2015 - Institutional Response to Draft Team Report submitted within two weeks of receipt of Draft Report (Correction of factual errors only).
June 2015 - MSCHE Commission on Higher Education meets.
November 2015 - MSCHE issues Action Letter for Touro College.