Fall 2020 Faculty Development Event with James Lang
This event will begin with a keynote titled Teaching Distracted Minds: Old Challenges, New Contexts. The keynote draws upon scholarship from history, neuroscience, and education to show that distractions are endemic to the human condition and can’t be walled out of the physical classroom or online course. Participants will learn about a variety of strategies to create and develop experiences for students that cultivate and sustain attention.
The keynote will be followed by an interactive workshop on Small Teaching in the COVID Era: From Minor Changes to Major Learning. Research from the learning sciences and from a variety of educational settings suggests that a small number of key principles can improve learning in almost any type of college or university course, including both face-to-face and online courses (and everything in between). This workshop will introduce some of those principles, offer practical suggestions for how they might foster positive change in higher education teaching and learning, and guide faculty participants to consider how these principles might manifest themselves in their current and upcoming courses.
Online webinar via Zoom
Video of Faculty Development Workshop