TCUS Assessment Webinar: Curriculum Mapping
Our pharmacy schools have taken several inovative steps in terms of curriculum mapping. Please join us to understand how other schools can learn from their experiences.
Curriculum mapping is essential to curriculum design in maintaining consistency and curriculum quality control. This process comes with its own set of challenges, particularly in light of recent changes in acccreditor requirements involving tracking and accountability. This seminar aims to provide an overview of the curricular mapping process, discuss changes, challenges and opportunities and share some of the lessons learned with implementing an efficient and sustainable mapping process.
The Presenters
Keith Yoshizuka, PharmD, MBA, JD, FCSHP
Assistant Dean, Admistration
Chair, Department of Social, Behavioral and Administrative Sciences
College of Pharmacy, Touro University California
Batoul Senhaji-Tomza, PharmD, MPH
Assistant Dean, Curriculum
Associate Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
College of Pharmacy, Touro College
Open to all faculty, chairs, program directors and deans across the TCUS system.
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