Campus Engagement

Touro was founded on the Judaic values of justice, respect, and kindness. Intellectual inquiry and civil discourse in the consideration of a wide range of perspectives are hallmarks of the Judaic tradition. As such, we embrace the principles of fairness, accessibility, and mutual respect for all in our higher education community. To ensure the practical application of these values, we have established an Office of Campus Engagement. The Office will reflect the values of fairness and human dignity.

We support the positive virtues of agency, responsibility, and human potential articulated by the medieval Jewish philosopher, Maimonides. “We each decide whether to make ourselves learned or ignorant, compassionate or cruel, generous or miserly. No one forces us. No one decides for us. No one drags us along one path or the other. We are responsible for what we are.”

We also support the sentiment of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. when he said, “People should not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Touro is committed to providing constituents with a welcoming and respectful environment, free of anti-semitism and other forms of bias as they pursue their educational and professional goals.

Mission of the Office of Campus Engagement

The mission of the Office Campus Engagement is to ensure a culture of respect and opportunity across the University’s campuses where every individual – faculty, staff, and students – can feel welcome and can thrive. Working collaboratively with the University community, the Office will design, implement, and assess policies that promote fairness, accessibility and connectivity consistent with Touro University’s mission and values, accreditation standards and legal requirements.

Goals and Responsibilities

Goals and Responsibilities of the Office of Campus Engagement include:

  • Develop a centralized Touro University statement on fairness, acceptance, and connectivity that guides local campus statements and initiatives.
  • Serve as a thought leader to academic and administrative leadership on matters related to ensuring a welcoming environment across the Touro University System.
  • Serve as a resource for university-wide and local campus committees on matters of fair treatment and community engagement.
  • Review and monitor content, policies and procedures to ensure fair and consistent practices.
  • Collaborate with Offices of Student Affairs and Student Administrative Services on implementing effective procedures to ensure a supportive and welcoming environment for the student body.
  • Collaborate with Human Resources on implementing effective procedures that promote fairness and opportunity for all employees.
  • Participate in the ongoing internal assessment of the University’s processes and outcomes to ensure a culture of respect and accessibility.
  • Work with the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness as appropriate on data reports referencing campus climate and community engagement.
  • Monitor and ensure appropriate attention to impartiality and accessibility, by the University and its programs.

Campus Engagement Leadership