Mission Statement

Touro University is an independent institution of higher education under Jewish auspices, established to promote and perpetuate the Jewish heritage, as well as to serve the general community in keeping with the historic Jewish commitment to intellectual inquiry, the transmission of knowledge, and service to society. Touro offers undergraduate, graduate and professional programs that serve diverse components of the Jewish community and the larger society, especially those who have been historically underserved. These academic offerings span Jewish studies, the liberal arts and sciences, and medical and health sciences. Touro is a university where personal growth, scholarship and research are fostered and where men and women are prepared for productive lives of dignity, value, and values.

The core values of the university are based on two fundamental components, as reflected in Hillel’s dictum in Ethics of the Fathers, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if I am concerned only with myself, what am I?” These values mirror Touro’s commitment to quality education as well as integrity and respect for all members of the Touro Community.

The following goals support Touro's Mission:

  1. To impart and enrich the Jewish heritage and its tradition of intellectual inquiry and to incorporate its ethos into the University’s academic offerings
  2. To promote ethical behavior and responsibility through the curriculum and community outreach
  3. To advance the career interests and professional aspirations of our students through a broad range of academic programs and innovative approaches
  4. To advance faculty and student research and scholarship
  5. To promote educational opportunities and access, focused on the student experience and student success