Touro students hail from all over the world, from all walks of life, in the pursuit of a common goal: To get the best possible education, to find a promising professional career, and to do so in an environment that respects and supports their backgrounds and beliefs.
About Touro
Established in 1970 to focus on higher education for the Jewish community and humanity, we enrolled our first class in September 1971. Today, Touro is the largest higher education system under Jewish auspices in America. We serve a widely diverse and growing population of over 19,000 students in dozens of schools in the US and abroad. Rooted in rigorous scholarship, we have the agility, responsiveness, and entrepreneurial spirit of a younger institution. Our research footprint continues to increase, and we have become one of the leading educators of healthcare professionals in the United States. We are attuned to what students need for today's rapidly evolving marketplace and world and develop programs at the cutting edge of technology and education.
As we expand, we remain true to our mission, and are uniquely aware of the importance of an education that accommodates students from all backgrounds and circumstances.
[DESCRIPTION] White screen with Touro University Logo.
[DESCRIPTION] Alan Kadish speaking to camera with plain background.
[TEXT] Alan Kadish, MD, President, Touro University
[Alan Kadish] A fundamental principle of what Touro stands for is that
[DESCRIPTION] Touro students standing and smiling in front of a building. Medical student observing patient. Student teacher standing with her student's in school hallway. Medical studednts examining patient in hospital bed.
[Alan Kadish] we're in this world for something beyond ourselves. We have a mission of service. It's service to humanity,
[DESCRIPTION] Medical student walking down hospital hallway. Professor speaking to classroom of smiling students. Student sitting at lab bench, working with hardware.
[Alan Kadish] and we hope it's a guiding principle that our students take home for the rest of their lives.
[DESCRIPTION] Rabbi Moshe Krupka speaking to camera with plain background.
[TEXT] Rabbi Moshe D. Krupka, Executive Vice President & University Ombudsman, Touro University
[Rabbi Krupka] We were founded in the Jewish tradition.
[DESCRIPTION] Clips of students learning in Beis Medrash. Grid of clips displaying student and faculty portraits. Professor lecturing and walking through classroom. Student speaking in class. Student standing and smiling in front of building. Student hugging her son and smiling. Group of women smiling and standing in office setting.
[Rabbi Krupka] That's in our DNA. It's in the bedrock of our institution. And we welcome all people to come and be part of our university, to be educated, to be empowered, to better their lives, the lives of their families, and the lives of their communities.
[DESCRIPTION] Myra Cocolicchio-Diaz speaking to camera in a classroom setting.
[TEXT] Myra Cocolicchio-Diaz, MA, MS, Behavioral Specialist & Special Educator, Graduate School of Education '12, '21
[Myra Cocolicchio-Diaz] Something that Touro instilled in you from the day that you walk in
[DESCRIPTION] Clips of Myra Cocolicchio-Diaz teaching and interacting with students in her classroom.
[Myra Cocolicchio-Diaz] that community and service is at the heart of everything that we do.
[DESCRIPTION] Dr. Kadish speaking to camera in a library setting.
[Alan Kadish] We have to look out for ourselves. We have to better ourselves. We have to better ourselves intellectually. We have to better ourselves personally.
[DESCRIPTION] Student using stethoscope on child patient, while child is sitting on its parent's lap. Student using stethoscope on elderly patient. Medical student speaking with patient in patient's hospital room. Professor speaking to room full of students. Medical student speaking with patient as she examines patient in hospital bed. Lecture hall of students watching professor write on whiteboard. Professor speaking to students while standing at the front of the classroom. Two students in lab personal protective equipment, analyzing object. Student standing and smiling with children. Medical student using stethoscope on patient. Student teacher standing and smiling with her class classroom setting.
[Alan Kadish] But on the other hand, we can never forget that we're part of the human race and that we have a responsibility to each other. What we try to teach our students at Touro is how to balance those two responsibilities, how to make sure that each student has personal and professional success while also understanding that they have a responsibility to the larger society.
[DESCRIPTION] Medical student using otoscope to examine patient's eyes. PA students working together, mock examining each other. Nursing students surround professor and dummy patient in hospital bed, while professor speaks. Two law students speaking while sitting at table with books open. Social work student standing in clasroom with students, laughing with them. Students raising hands in classroom while student teacher stands at the front of the classroom. Professor speaking with students while examing document.
[Nadja Graff] It's our doctors. It's our PAs. It's our nurses. It's our lawyers. It's our social workers. It's our educators, our teachers
[DESCRIPTION] Nadja Graff speaking to camera with a plain background.
[TEXT] Nadja Graff, PhD, Vice President Emerita, Touro University
[Nadja Graff] who we infuse with the values of serving others, of making a difference in the lives of others.
[DESCRIPTION] Clip of school building with "PUBLIC SCHOOL 55" engraved along the top of the building. Couple crossing street using crosswalk. People walking on street and using crosswalk while cars drive past. Myra Cocolicchio-Diaz speaking to camera in a classroom setting.
[Myra Cocolicchio-Diaz] The district that we're located here in New York City is one of the poorest congressional districts in the United States.
[DESCRIPTION] Clips of Myra Cocolicchio-Diaz teaching and interacting with students in her classroom.
[Myra Cocolicchio-Diaz] You really see the inequities. I wanted to give back to my neighborhood and to give back to the people who grew up the way that I did.
[DESCRIPTION] Supreeya Swarup walking through hospital hallway. Clips of Supreeya Swarup examining patient.
[Supreeya Swarup] Touro's mission definitely sparked the desire that I had to begin with to take care of these underserved populations.
[DESCRIPTION] Supreeya Swarup speaking to camera with a plain background.
[TEXT] Supreeya Swarup, DO, Cardiologist TouroCOM '11
[Supreeya Swarup] This is why I became a doctor.
[DESCRIPTION] Edward Halperin speaking to camera in library setting.
[TEXT] Edward C. Halperin, MD, MA, Chancellor & CEO, New York Medical College, Provost for Biomedical Affairs, Touro University
[Edward Halperin] The important values are the dignity of the individual, the agency of an individual, the responsibility of an individual to the community and to others.
[DESCRIPTION] Kevin Wong walking through hospital hallway. Kevin Wong putting on face mask.
[Kevin Wong] Their mission was in line with what I wanted to do.
[DESCRIPTION] Kevin Wong speaking to camera with a plain background.
[TEXT] Kevin Wong, DO, Pediatric Interventional Radiologist TouroCOM '12
[Kevin Wong] They wanted to help the community and really teach the ideals of medicine.
[DESCRIPTION] Clips of Rhea Mascoll sitting at table and meeting with someone.
[Rhea Mascoll] Touro taught me the difference between having sympathy and having empathy.
[DESCRIPTION] Rhea Mascoll speaking to camera in an office setting.
[TEXT] Rhea Mascoll, LMSW, Supportive Housing Director, Graduate School of Social Work '15
[Rhea Mascoll] They taught me really how to meet the need of anyone you encounter.
[DESCRIPTION] Group of Pharmacy students standing and smilling in pharmacy lab. Group of medical students standing and smiling in front of a building that says "TOURO UNIVERSITY LANDER HALL BASIC SCIENCE" and smiling. Robert Goldschmidt standing with two students and smiling. Group of medical students standing and smiling. Group of students standing and smiling in hallway.
[Rabbi Krupka] Look where we have come to, the program's touching every aspect of human existence, all with an underpinning rooted in the Judaic tradition of scholarship, of ethics, of morality, of service to humanity.
[DESCRIPTION] Clips of Shatima Howard, teaching and interacting with students in her classroom.
[Shatima Howard] To see students who would come in and be nonverbal and then by the time they're leaving, they're having one- to two-word phrases and utterances is amazing to me.
[DESCRIPTION] Shatima Howardspeaking to camera in a classroom setting.
[TEXT] Shatima Howard, M.S., CCC-SLP, TSSLD, Speech Language Pathologist, School of Health Sciences '20
[Shatima Howard] I kinda felt like, wow, we're giving them a voice. To have a parent say, hey, he said mom for the first time, or, hey, he asked me for candy or chips,
[DESCRIPTION] Shatima Howard standing with students in her classroom and smiling.
[Shatima Howard] that made me feel like I was going to be doing something to make a difference.
[Alan Kadish] I think we're Touro has gotten in 50 years is absolutely amazing.
[DESCRIPTION] Photo of Dr. Lander smiling in library setting. Black and white photo from inside old Touro classroom of students sitting at tables, while looking at professor writing on chalkboard. Grid of clips displaying different Touro University Schools and campuses.
[Alan Kadish] Dr. Lander started the school with 35 students. Today we have 19,000 students who are in 10 different cities.
[DESCRIPTION] Pofessor pointing to projector screen on board and lecturing. Clips of different students sitting in a classroom, learning and interacting. Students receiving their white coats at a white coat ceremony. Medical students inspecting a replica of a heart together.
[Alan Kadish] And I think we perform an extraordinarily valuable service both to the Jewish community and to the educational community at large in the United States.
[DESCRIPTION] Students talking and walking in a hallway. Group of students in graduation regalia. Blank screen with Touro University logo.
Education with Integrity
What sets Touro apart is not simply our top-notch programs, engaged faculty members, or experiential learning opportunities, but also our respect and responsiveness to your commitments – to your community, your values, and your future.
From liberal arts to law, health sciences to technology, business, Jewish studies, education—and everything in between—Touro provides educational opportunities and career paths to all who have the drive and potential to succeed.
Shaping Leaders
As an educational institution we understand the importance of education, and it’s one of the reasons we take such pride, and care, in our teacher education programs. Our business and technology programs are built to stay ahead of the curve, responding to the ever-evolving landscape of industry needs. Our law school is next door to a state and federal courthouse and the work of the federal and state courts is integrated into the daily law school experience from the first week. In our social work, mental health counseling, and psychology we give a solid foundation of skills and promote adaptability, creativity, and cultural competence. With our strength in healthcare and health sciences, we model an integrated healthcare team.
Wherever our graduates go – boardroom, classroom, courtroom, corner office, they have the skills and determination to shape the future.
Frontlines of Healthcare
Touro University is a leader of health sciences education. We are one of the largest educators of healthcare providers in the US. We graduate physicians, dentists, physician assistants, nurses, physical therapists, sonographers, social workers, and other healthcare professionals. Our graduates make up your healthcare team. With a commitment to excellence and comprehensive training from experts in the field, Touro ensures that our graduates are well-prepared to lead, and revolutionize, the healthcare industry.
Touro Healthcare by the Numbers

Since we opened our doors 50+ years ago, we’ve graduated over 34,000 healthcare professionals.

In 2023, we graduated 18.1% of new doctors in New York State.
In 2023 we had your future healthcare team in our classrooms:
- 3,332 Medical Students (MDs and DOs)
- 535 Dental Students
- 415 PharmD Students
- 571 Physical Therapy Students
- 1,066 Physician Assistant Students
- 528 Nursing Students
- 324 Occupational Therapy Students
- 200 Speech-Language Pathology Students
- 328 Social Work Students
"An International Leader in Health Science Education"
[DESCRIPTION] White screen with Touro University Logo.
[DESCRIPTION] Black and white photo from old Touro College graduation ceremony. Students working in lab sitting and standing around a professor lecturing them. Students using lab equipment at lab bench in personal protective equipment. Students in scrubs putting oxygen mask on dummy patient. Two students examining microscope screen. Vintage photo of group of students posing in their white coats. Group of students and faculty smiling and posing in front of "PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT PROGRAM MANHATTAN" sign. Two students laughing in their graduation regalia at a graduation ceremony.
[Alan Kadish] I think where Touro has gotten in 50 years is absolutely amazing.
[DESCRIPTION] Alan Kadish speaking to camera with plain background.
[TEXT] Alan Kadish, MD, President, Touro University
[DESCRIPTION] Students examing dummy patient in simulation hospital room. Professor guding student in lab setting. Lecture hall of students watching professor write on whiteboard.
[Alan Kadish] One of the things I'm really proud of that we've accomplished in the past 50 years is become an international leader in health science education.
[DESCRIPTION] Students in scrubs gathered around faculty member speaking. Students putting on their white coats on a stage during white coat ceremony. The clips are overlayed with text.
[DESCRIPTION] Students in lab personal protective equipment, analyzing beaker. Two students in dark room standing above an anatomage table, analyzing a 3D skeleton. The clips are overlayed with text.
[DESCRIPTION] Black and white photo from inside old Touro classroom of students sitting at tables, while looking at professor writing on chalkboard. The photo is overlayed with text.
[DESCRIPTION] Clips of Touro students and faculty in a variety of settings. The clips speed up until a grid of student and faculty portraits is displayed with a text overlay.
[TEXT] TO OVER 19,000
[DESCRIPTION] Medical student listening to patient's heartbeat using stethoscope. Different medical student examines patient in hospital bed, pressing on her abdomen. The clips are overlayed with text.
[DESCRIPTION] Professor and students examining heart scans on screen. Faculty and student standing by patient's bedside and talking with patient. Student examining patient's eyes.
[SPEAKER] Medicine is not just a career. It's also a platform.
[DESCRIPTION] Two students in exam room with one using a ophthalmoscope on patient while the other takes notes on a clip board. Student using stethoscope to listen to child's heart beat.
[SPEAKER] Healthcare is a human right for all.
[DESCRIPTION] Close up of student wrapping blood pressure cuff around patient's arm. Student walking and talking with patient. Student speaking with patient.
[SPEAKER] Part of Tikun Olam is to serve the underserved people who wouldn't have the best access to care.
[DESCRIPTION] Student, bending and examining patient's leg with text overlay.
[DESCRIPTION] Student examines a foot. Student smiling and assisting patient stand. Student lifts patient's leg while patient is on his side. Student sitting next to patient and demonstrating movements while pointing at poster with diagrams of the Pelvis and Hip. Student sitting with patient at a table, massaging patient's arm.
[SPEAKER] What lies at the heart of being a good therapist is the ability to put yourself in your patient's shoes.
[DESCRIPTION] Student in physical therapy gym working with patient, guiding him.
[SPEAKER] I try to help people one step at a time, one block at a time.
[DESCRIPTION] Students examining dental x-ray picture. Close up of mouth with dental work being done. The clips are overlayed with text.
[DESCRIPTION] Students setting up patient in dental x-ray machine. Clips of students speaking with and working on a variety of different patients at Touro Dental Health.
[SPEAKER] The emphasis Touro placed on treating the underserved population and trying to help people really resonated with me and inspired me to carry that through into my residency and into my career. It really made me realize that just one person can make a difference.
[DESCRIPTION] Students looking through ophthalmoscope. Students in classroom using reflex hammer on each other, to practice testing tendon reflexes. The clips are overlayed with text.
[DESCRIPTION] Clips of students examining a human anatomical model. Students work together and practice bedside manners and routine physical exams with each other. Professor working with students, speaking with them and teaching them by example. Professor standing outside and smiling in front of building.
[SPEAKER] Touro gave us the true feeling that once we got on a floor, we as physician assistants could fit into the medical delivery system.
[DESCRIPTION] Two pharmacy students, sitting at lab workstation and talking. Student standing in front of a wall of medications, working at the counter in front of it. The clips are overlayed with text.
[DESCRIPTION] Students sitting and working at lab workstations. CLose up of hand writing on white board, conducting calculations.
[SPEAKER] Pharmacists are really the front line in healthcare.
[DESCRIPTION] Student using glass stirring rod to mix substance. Close up of white coat sleeve with embroidered Touro College of Pharmacy logo. Student working at pharmacy, consulting patient at counter.
[SPEAKER] I want to be on the front lines of healthcare. I want to directly have an impact on patients' lives.
[DESCRIPTION] Student shaking patient's hand.
[SPEAKER] We hear that reference that patients can have access to.
[DESCRIPTION] Group of students reading through papers and using an otoscope on one another to examine each other's ears. Student sitting in pharmacy lab and smiling.
[SPEAKER] Getting my patients to live a happier life or better life, that would be the most rewarding part of being a pharmacist.
[DESCRIPTION] Students practicing hand gestures with each other with text overlayed.
[DESCRIPTION] Students standing around a table examining their wrists with text overlayed.
[DESCRIPTION] Student sitting at table with students in classroom, speaking to them. The video has a text overlay.
[DESCRIPTION] Students walking in graduation regalia with text overlayed.
[DESCRIPTION] Clips of different students, faculty, and schools across Touro with text overlayed.
[DESCRIPTION] Blank screen with text.
[DESCRIPTION] Blank screen with Touro University logo.
“Touro is an outstanding university system with ever-greater opportunities for our students, faculty and staff, and an agility to embrace cutting-edge methodologies in our delivery of a high-quality education.”
Dr. Alan Kadish, President
Touro Fast Facts
With so many colleges and programs under one umbrella, Touro has the resources of a big institution, but retains the heart and feel of our small school beginnings. See Touro At A Glance.

19,000+ Enrolled Students

119,000+ Alumni

50+ Years of Service

10:1 Undergrad Student to Faculty Ratio
Touro's Story, Your Story
NYMC Students Shine on Match Day 2025
NYMC Medical Students Matched for Residency Programs at Top-tier, Research-intensive, Academic Medical Centers Nationwide
New York Medical College
COM Students Celebrate Big Wins on Match Day
Class of 2025 Matches into Top Residency Programs, Advancing Osteopathic Medicine Nationwide
Touro University California
PharmD Grad Transitions to Manager Role
Drive to Serve Others Leads Alumna Back to Core of Her Beliefs
Touro University California